Saturday, April 7, 2012

Starting a Garden

We have been talking about starting a garden for a LONG time now. Today, we finally took action. It's a small start, but we plan on adding to it as finaces allow.

We went with the raised be box garden with all fresh dirt since the Arizona dirt leaves a lot to be desired.
The box was put in the best part of our back yard that we could find, the south west corner. This way it get the soft morning sun and has shade in the hot afternoons from the neighbors large tree.

Both the boys were VERY anxious to help with the process.
We had to move rock out of the way to lay down our box. When Chad was moving the rock back, the boys thought it was great fun to play in the box.

As soon as the dirt went in, Liam went inside and grabbed a spoon and a knife and started digging.
The face says it all!
The finished product. We planted onions, bell pepper and tomatoes today. We still have zucchini to plant, but I think that will get it's very own planter.

I hope that we actually get some food from this garden.